Graphic Design Senior Art Thesis installation at Yale called “No Stalling!” featuring a series of zines based on interviews and concert photgraphy of 4 up-and-coming bands, and a poster designed to emulate the style of each of the bands. The zine spreads and posters were displayed in a bathroom stall installed in the School of Art Gallery, to emulate the feeling of a concert bathroom, inspiring the name of the installation (in addition to the fact that the bands are not stalling, and making music now). Full zines can be read here, and the posters can be seen here.
Spring 2024
Graphic Design, Installation Design, Photography
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, Figma
Graphic Design, Installation Design, Photography
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, Figma

I printed the zines on colored paper to give them a more musical feel.
Each of the posters was intentionally designed in a different style to emulate the style of the music of each artist.

The bathroom stall came as an idea from a conversation during a critique regarding how I discovered one of the bands while in the bathroom at another concert. I acquired the bathroom stall on Craigslist, and it pulled all of the content together. The posters on the outside of the stall were collected from local music venues and from around campus.