Proof of concept website accompanied by a report for the Computing and the Arts major at Yale. The website is meant to serve as an archive of thesis projects from students in the major.
Fall 2023
Web Design, Full-Stack Software Engineering
CSS/HTML/JS, Python/Flask/Jinja, SQL, Figma
Web Design, Full-Stack Software Engineering
CSS/HTML/JS, Python/Flask/Jinja, SQL, Figma

The homepage consists of thumbnails generated from information students upload about their senior projects, and allow you to filter the projects by graduation year and track (the major has 5 different tracks). The homepage is simple to allow for very easy navigation, and because the projects themselves are usually pretty artistic and we want the focus to be on the projects. The website currently would only be accessible to those with Yale-CAS log in.
When clicked on, each thumbnail will display its associated project details which are pulled from the database and static folder. Currently, each student will be able to display their title, name, a thumbnail photo, their track, graduation year, project description, two images, two videos, source code and their final report and pdf. Each of the images also includes alt text.

Currently, projects can be uploaded by those with admin permission (permission stored in database using unique Yale identifiers) with this simple form accessed by going to /newproject on the website.
Overall this is still very much so a proof of concept, but definitely a start and hopefully some version of this will be live soon so there is an archive of the projects in the major :) for more information on the project and the process of building it, you can read the report.